Thursday, May 14, 2009

Today: keepin' it simple

Mangoes for breakfast

Momos for lunch

"The taste for the spontaneous, natural, lifelike snapshot kills spontaneity, drives away the present. Photographed reality immediately takes on a nostalgic character, of joy fled on the wings of time, a commemorative character, even if the picture was taken the day before yesterday. And the life that you live in order to photograph it is already, at the outset, a commemoration of itself." Italo Calvino

1 comment:

  1. That quote reminds me of a book I am reading called photography and loss by jay prosser, try and read it if you can as it is amazing. i love your blog I have one too, actually 2 one for college and one my work. i think you can access the work one from here but the college one is private but i will send you an invite. Its not that exciting but if you run out of books xx lizzie
